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What is High Impact Voluntary Engagement?

The HIVE project has a three stage approach for Sunderland's Voluntary Sector to enhance resilience following the impact of  Covid-19.


Stage 1:

Will involve a planned sequence of consultation and direct engagement across the city, with sector representatives that will cut across localities, themed work, and scale. This will produce an innovative bottom-up approach where ‘active-listening’  will enhance the ‘VCS Voices’ leading to a community response that is at the heart of this project. 


Stage 2:

A comprehensive Sunderland VCS ‘Mapping’ Programme: This will provide a new sector led organisational online portal and centre for shared learning and resource driven by cross sector and organisational collaboration.

This portal will include a new material and information around the issues of community visioning and planning, including:

  • Knowledge of VCS organisations across the 5 areas

  • Funding awarded across the city from local authority and funding providers

  • VCS strengths and weaknesses.

  • How organisations are adapting/responding under the current climate.

  • Shared VCS & Community goals post Covid-19.

Stage 3:

Will provide an active phase for Sunderland VCS, where there will be an opportunity for groups to access a new online ‘sharing’ ‘networking’ and the mapping platform. The platform will be community focused enabling organisations to add details and data for themselves. It will also develop networking tools and resources post Covid-19. This will lead to new ways of working that will strengthen provision and reduce duplication through organisational centred collaboration and Community Leadership.

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